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J Digestive system and spleen
JA Abdominal wall, mesentery, peritoneum and greater omentum
JAD Diagnostic radiology of abdominall wall, mesenetry, peritoneum and greater omentum
JADB1C Herniography
JADE00 Intraoperative abdominal ultrasonography
JADE01 Laparoscopic ultrasonography
JADE1A Ultrasound examination of groin and abdominal wall
JAF Peritoneum function tests
JAFA00 Measurement of peritoneal permeability
JAO Radiotherapy of abdominal wall, mesentery, peritoneum and omentum
JAO001 Preoperative radiotherapy of abdominal wall, peritoneum and omentum
JAO002 Radical radiotherapy of abdominal wall, peritoneum and omentum
JAO003 Adjuvant radiotherapy of abdominal wall, peritoneum and omentum
JAO004 Palliative radiotherapy of abdominal wall, peritoneum and omentum
JAO029 Radiotherapy local recidive of tumor of abdominal wall, peritoneum and omentum
JAO049 Radiotherapy of methastasis in abdominal wall, peritoneum and omentum
JAO090 Profylactic radiotherapy of abdominal wall, peritoneum and omentum
JAO099 Other radiotherapy of abdominal wall, peritoneum and omentum
JAS Surgery of abdominall wall, mesenetry, peritoneum and omentum
JASA Local operations on abdominal wall
JASA00 Incision of abdominal wall
JASA10 Excision of lesion of abdominal wall
JASA11 Laparoscopic biopsy or excision of lesion of abdominal wall
JASA13 Wide excision of extensive necrotising conditions of abdominal wall
JASA96 Other local operation on abdominal wall
JASA97 Other laparoscopic local operation on abdominal wall
JASB Repair of inguinal hernia
JASB00 Division and ligature of inguinal hernia sac
JASB10 Repair of inguinal hernia
JASB11 Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia
JASB20 Repair of inguinal hernia using using graft
JASB30 Repair of inguinal hernia using prosthetic material
JASB40 Repair of inguinal hernia by laparotomy and reconstruction of abdominal wall
JASB96 Other repair of inguinal hernia
JASB97 Other laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia
JASC Repair of femoral hernia
JASC10 Repair of femoral hernia
JASC11 Laparoscopic repair of femoral hernia
JASC30 Repair of femoral hernia using prosthetic material
JASC40 Repair of femoral hernia by laparotomy and reconstruction of abdominal wall
JASC96 Other repair of femoral hernia
JASC97 Other laparoscopic repair of femoral hernia
JASD Repair of incisional hernia
JASD10 Repair of incisional hernia
JASD11 Laparoscopic repair of incisional hernia
JASD20 Repair of incisional hernia using using graft
JASD30 Repair of incisional hernia using prosthetic material
JASD96 Other repair of incisional hernia
JASD97 Other laparoscopic repair of incisional hernia
JASE Repair of epigastric hernia
JASE10 Repair of epigastric hernia
JASF Repair of umbilical hernia
JASF10 Repair of umbilical hernia
JASF11 Laparoscopic repair of umbilical hernia
JASF20 Repair of umbilical hernia using graft
JASF30 Repair of umbilical hernia using prosthetic material
JASF96 Other repair of umbilical hernia
JASF97 Other laparoscopic repair of umbilical hernia
JASG Repair of other hernias and defects of abdominal wall
JASG00 Repair of other hernia
JASG01 Laparoscopic repair of other hernia
JASG10 Repair of gastroschisis
JASG20 Repair of omphalocele
JASG30 Reconstruction of abdominal wall using flap
JASG50 Repair of internal hernia
JASG51 Laparoscopic repair of internal hernia
JASG60 Reconstruction of abdominal wall using prosthetic material
JASG96 Other reconstruction of abdominal wall
JASG97 Other laparoscopic reconstruction of abdominal wall
JASH Opening of peritoneal cavity
JASH00 Laparotomy
JASH01 Laparoscopy
JASH02 Second look laparoscopy
JASH05 Laparoscopy with biopsy
JASH20 Staging laparotomy
JASH21 Staging laparoscopy
JASH30 Laparostomy
JASH33 Opening of laparostomy
JASH40 Thoracolaparotomy
JASH50 Laporotomic implantation of flexible radiotherapy applicators
JASH51 Laporoscopic implantation of flexible radiotherapy applicators
JASJ Rectal drainage of pelvic abscess
JASJ00 Rectal incision and drainage of pelvic abscess
JASK Peritoneal drainage and irrigation
JASK00 Laparotomy and drainage of peritoneal cavity
JASK01 Laparoscopic drainage of peritoneal cavity
JASK03 Laparotomy and peritoneal irrigation
JASK04 Laparoscopy and peritoneal irrigation
JASK10 Laparotomy and insertion of peritoneal dialysis catheter
JASK12 Laparotomy and revision of peritoneal dialysis catheter
JASK14 Laparoscopy and insertion or revision of peritoneal dialysis catheter
JASL Local operations on peritoneum and peritoneal cavity
JASL00 Biopsy of peritoneum
JASL01 Laparoscopic biopsy of peritoneum
JASL10 Laparotomy and removal of foreign body
JASL11 Laparoscopy and removal of foreign body
JASL20 Excision or destruction of lesion of peritoneum
JASL21 Laparoscopic excision or destruction of lesion of peritoneum
JASL23 Excision of local lesion of pelvic wall
JASL24 Laparoscopic excision of local lesion of pelvic wall
JASL30 Omentectomy
JASL31 Laparoscopic omentectomy
JASL50 Intraabdominal revision of shunt of ventricle of brain
JASL51 Laparoscopic revision of shunt of ventricle of brain
JASL96 Other local operation on peritoneum or peritoneal cavity
JASL97 Other laparoscopic local operation on peritoneum or peritoneal cavity
JASM Transposition of omentum and mesentery
JASM00 Transposition of omentum
JASM10 Operation for malrotation of intestine
JASN Peritoneovenous shunt operations
JASN00 Creation of peritoneovenous shunt
JASN10 Revision of peritoneovenous shunt
JASN20 Removal of peritoneovenous shunt
JASP Freeing of adhesions in the peritoneal cavity
JASP00 Freeing of adhesions in the peritoneal cavity
JASP01 Laparoscopic freeing of adhesions in the peritoneal cavity
JASQ Extensive excision of peritoneum and related procedures
JASQ00 Extensive excision of peritoneum
JASQ10 Intraoperative hypertermic chemotherapeutic perfusion of abdominal cavity
JASW Other operations on abdominal wall, peritoneum, mesentery and omentum
JASW96 Other operation on abdominal wall, peritoneum, mesentery or omentum
JASW97 Other laparoscopic operation on abdominal wall, peritoneum, mesentery or omentum
JAX Other procedures of abdominal wall, mesenetry, peritoneum and omentum
JAXA00 Heat coagulation of abdominal wall
JAXX00 Puncture of peritoneum
JAXX10 Abdominal paracentesis
JAXX12 Percutaneous drainage of peritoneal cavity
JAXX14 Exchange abdominal catheter
JAXX20 Percutaneous peritoneal irrigation
JAXX33 Percutaneous introduction of peritoneal dialysis catheter
JAXX34 Laparoscopy and revision of peritoneal dialysis catheter
JAXX35 Removal of peritoneal dialysis catheter
JAXX37 Rinsing of peritoneal dialysis catheter
JAXX40 Percutaneous local drainage of peritoneal cavity
JAXX50 Introduction of intraperitoneal injection port
JAXX55 Removal of intraperitoneal injection port
JB Diaphragm and gastro-oesophageal reflux
JBD Diagnostic radiology of diaphragm
JBDB1J Diafragmatic hernia X-ray examination
JBS Surgery of diaphragm and gastro-oesophageal reflux
JBSA Transabdominal operations for rupture or local lesion of diaphragm
JBSA00 Transabdominal repair of diaphragm for rupture
JBSA01 Laparoscopic repair of diaphragm for rupture
JBSA10 Transabdominal biopsy or excision of lesion of diaphragm
JBSA11 Laprasoscopic biopsy or excision of lesion of diaphragm
JBSA20 Transabdominal partial excision of diaphragm
JBSA21 Laparoscopic partial excision of diaphragm
JBSB Operations for diaphragmatic hernia
JBSB00 Repair of paraoesophageal hernia
JBSB01 Laparoscopic repair of paraoesophageal hernia
JBSB10 Repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia
JBSB11 Laparoscopic repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia
JBSB96 Repair of other diaphragmatic hernia
JBSB97 Laparoscopic repair of other diaphragmatic hernia
JBSC Operations for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
JBSC00 Gastro-oesophageal antireflux operation
JBSC01 Laparoscopic gastro-oesophageal antireflux operation
JBSC02 Transluminal gastro-oesophageal antireflux operation
JBSW Other transabdominal operations on diaphragm and operations for gastro-oesophageal reflux
JBSW96 Other transabdominal operation on diaphragm or operation for gastro-oesophageal reflux
JBSW97 Other laparoscopic operation on diaphragm or laparoscopic or thoracoscopic operation for gastro-
JC Oesophagus
JCD Diagnostic radiology of oesophagus
JCDB1A Hypopharyngx X-ray examination with contrast
JCDB2A Oesophagus X-ray examination with contrast
JCDB2B Oesophagus X-ray examination with douple contrast
JCDB2J Functional kinetic X-ray examination oesophagus
JCDB2K Functional examination of swallowing
JCE Endoscopy of oesophagus
JCE001 Scopy of lower throat
JCE002 Rigid oesophagoscopy
JCE005 Rigid oesophagoscopy with biopsy
JCE012 Flexible oesophagoscopy
JCE015 Flexible oesophagoscopy with biopsy
JCF Other diagnostic procedure of oesophagus
JCFC00 Oesophageal manometry
JCFC02 Measurement of oesophageal pressure and pressure profile of lower oesophageal sphincter
JCFC10 Oesophageal pH monitoring
JCFC15 Follow-up of esophagus function and pressure
JCFC20 Oesophageal electromyography
JCI Oesophagus isotope examination
JCIA00 Oesophagus function isotope imaging
JCO Radiotherapy of oesophagus
JCO001 Preoperative radiotherapy of oesophagus
JCO002 Radical radiotherapy of oesophagus
JCO003 Adjuvant radiotherapy of oesophagus
JCO004 Palliative radiotherapy of oesophagus
JCO029 Radiotherapy of local recidive of tumor in oesophagus
JCO049 Radiotherapy of methastasis in oesophagus
JCO090 Profylactic radiotherapy of oesophagus
JCO099 Other radiotherapy of oesophagus
JCS Surgery of oesophagus
JCSA Local operations on oesophagus
JCSA00 Oesophagotomy
JCSA01 Laparoscopic or thoracoscopic excision of lesion of oesophagus
JCSA05 Endoscopic polypectomy in oesophagus
JCSA08 Endoscopic removal of foreign body from oesophagus
JCSA12 Endoscopic diverticulo-oesophagostomy
JCSA20 Ligature of oesophageal varices
JCSA22 Endoscopic ligature of oesophageal varices
JCSA32 Endoscopic injection in oesophagus
JCSA35 Endoscopic contact coagulation in oesophagus
JCSA38 Endoscopic laser therapy in oesophagus
JCSA42 Other endoscopic procedure using diathermy or heat in oesophagus
JCSA45 "Endoscopic mucosal or submucosal resection in oesophagus
JCSA52 Other endoscopic procedure using diathermy or heat in oesophagus
JCSA55 Endoscopic dilatation of oesophagus
JCSA60 Transcervical excision of diverticulum of oesophagus
JCSA96 Other local operation on oesophagus
JCSA97 Other local thoracoscopic or laparoscopic operation on oesophagus
JCSA98 Other local endoscopic operation on oesophagus
JCSB Oesophagostomy
JCSB00 Oesophagostomy
JCSB01 Laparoscopic or thoracoscopic oesophagostomy
JCSC Resection of oesophagus
JCSC00 Transhiatal partial oesophagectomy without interposition
JCSC10 Transthoracic partial oesophagectomy without interposition
JCSC11 Transhiatal thoracoscopic assisted partial oesophagectomy
JCSC12 Thoracoscopic or laparoscopic partial oesophagectomy
JCSC20 Transhiatal partial oesophagectomy with interposition of intestine
JCSC30 Transthoracic partial oesophagectomy with interposition of intestine
JCSC96 Other partial oesophagectomy
JCSC97 Other thoracoscopic or laparoscopic oesophagectomy
JCSD Anastomosis of oesophagus without resection
JCSD00 Subcutaneous anastomosis of oesophagus without interposition
JCSD03 Subcutaneous anastomosis of oesophagus with interposition of intestine
JCSD10 Intrathoracic anastomosis of oesophagus without interposition
JCSD11 Thoracoscopic or laparoscopic anastomosis of oesophagus without interposition
JCSD13 Intrathoracic oesophageal anastomosis with interposition of intestine
JCSD20 Transsection of oesophagus
JCSD96 Other anastomosis of oesophagus without resection
JCSD97 Other thoracoscopic or laparoscopic anastomosis of oesophagus without resection
JCSE Reconstruction of oesophagus
JCSE00 Suture of oesophagus
JCSE01 Thoracoscopic or laparoscopic suture of oesophagus
JCSE10 Plastic repair of stenosis of cardia
JCSE20 Cardiomyotomy
JCSE21 Laparoscopic cardiomyotomy
JCSE30 Repair of oesophageal atresia or congenital tracheo-oesophageal fistula
JCSE31 Treatment esophageal atresia
JCSE32 Closure of esophago-tracheal fistel
JCSE33 Closure of acquired tracheo-oesophageal or broncho-oesophageal fistula
JCSE40 Reconstruction of oesophagus using flap
JCSE50 Reconstruction of oesophagus using free microvascular graft of intestine
JCSE96 Other reconstruction of oesophagus
JCSE97 Other thoracoscopic or laparoscopic reconstruction of oesophagus
JCSF Insertion of oesophageal stent
JCSF00 Insertion of oesophageal stent
JCSF12 Endoscopic insertion of oesophageal stent
JCSW Other operations on oesophagus
JCSW96 Other operation on oesophagus
JCSW97 Other laparoscopic or thoracoscopic operation on oesophagus
JCSW98 Other transluminal endoscopic procedure on oesophagus
JCX Other procedures of oesophagus
JCXX00 Insertion of ballon tube for tamponade of oesophageal varices
JD Stomach and duodenal bulb
JDD Diagnostic radiology of stomach and duodenal bulb
JDDB1A Gastro-duodenography with X-ray
JDDB1B Gastrography with duple contrast
JDDB2B Duodenography
JDDE02 Peroral endoscopic ultrasonography
JDDE1E Ultrasound examination of gastro-oesophageal reflux
JDE Endoscopy of stomach and duodenal bulb
JDE002 Gastroscopy
JDE005 Gastroscopy with biopsy
JDE010 Esophagoscopy, gastroscopy and duodenoscopy
JDF Other diagnostic procedures of stomach and duodenum
JDF100 Secretine test
JDF110 Respiratory helicobactery test
JDF120 Pentagastrine test
JDFB20 Collection of duodenal secretion
JDFC00 Electrogastrography
JDI Stomach and duodenal bulb isotope examination
JDIA00 Gastric function isotope examination
JDIB00 Duodenogastric bile reflux isotope examination
JDIC00 Meckel isotope imaging
JDO Radiotherapy of stomach and duodenum
JDO001 Preoperative radiotherapy of gastric or duodenal tumor
JDO002 Radical radiotherapy of gastric or duodenal tumor
JDO003 Adjuvant radiotherapy of gastric or duodenal tumor
JDO004 Palliative radiotherapy of gastric or duodenal tumor
JDO029 Radiotherapy of local recidive of gastric or duodenal tumor
JDO049 Radiotherapy of methastasis in stomach or duodenum
JDO090 Profylact ic radiotherapy of stomach and duodenum
JDO099 Other radiotherapy of stomach and duodenum
JDS Surgery of stomach and duodenum
JDSA Local operations on stomach
JDSA00 Gastrotomy
JDSA05 Endoscopic polypectomy in stomach or pylorus
JDSA08 Endoscopic removal of foreign body from stomach or pylorus
JDSA12 Endoscopic insertion of gastric stent
JDSA22 Endoscopic ligature of varices of stomach
JDSA32 Endoscopic injection in stomach or pylorus
JDSA35 Endoscopic contact coagulation in stomach or pylorus
JDSA38 Endoscopic laser therapy in stomach or pylorus
JDSA42 Other endoscopic haemostatic procedure in stomach or pylorus
JDSA45 Endoscopic mucosal or submucosal resection in stomach or pylorus
JDSA52 Other endoscopic procedure using diathermy or heat in stomach or pylorus
JDSA55 Endoscopic dilatation of stomach, pylorus or anastomosis of stomach
JDSA60 Closure of perforated ulcer of stomach
JDSA61 Laparoscopic closure of perforated ulcer of stomach
JDSA63 Local excision of lesion of stomach
JDSB Gastrostomy
JDSB00 Gastrostomy
JDSB01 Laparoscopic gastrostomy
JDSB10 Percutaneous gastrostomy
JDSC Partial gastrectomy
JDSC00 Partial gastrectomy and gastroduodenostomy
JDSC10 Partial gastrectomy and gastrojejunostomy
JDSC11 Laparoscopic partial gastrectomy and gastrojejunostomy
JDSC20 Partial gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y reconstruction
JDSC30 Partial gastrectomy with interposition of jejunum
JDSC40 Partial gastrectomy and oesophagogastrostomy
JDSC96 Partial gastrectomy with other reconstruction
JDSC97 Laparoscopic partial gastrectomy with other reconstruction
JDSD Total gastrectomy
JDSD00 Total gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y oesophagojejunostomy
JDSD96 Total gastrectomy with other reconstruction
JDSE Anastomosis of stomach without concurrent gastrectomy
JDSE00 Gastrojejunostomy
JDSE01 Laparoscopic gastroenterostomy
JDSE10 Conversion of gastrojejunostomy to Roux-en-Y anastomosis
JDSE20 Conversion of gastrojejunostomy to gastroduodenostomy with interposition of jejunum
JDSE96 Other anastomosis of stomach without concurrent gastrectomy
JDSF Bariatric operations on stomach
JDSF00 Gastroplasty
JDSF01 Laparoscopic gastroplasty
JDSF10 Gastric bypass
JDSF11 Laparoscopic gastric bypass
JDSF20 Gastric banding
JDSF21 Laparoscopic gastric banding
JDSF32 Gastroscopic insertion of expanding foreign body into stomach
JDSF96 Other bariatric operation on stomach
JDSF97 Other laparoscopic bariatric operation on stomach
JDSF98 Other gastroscopic bariatric procedure on stomach
JDSG Vagotomy
JDSG00 Truncal vagotomy
JDSG01 Laparoscopic or thoracoscopic truncal vagotomy
JDSG10 Proximal gastric vagotomy
JDSG11 Laparoscopic proximal gastric vagotomy
JDSG96 Other vagotomy
JDSG97 Other laparoscopic vagotomy
JDSH Operations on pylorus and duodenum
JDSH00 Duodenotomy
JDSH05 Endoscopic polypectomy in duodenum
JDSH08 Endoscopic removal of foreign body from duodenum
JDSH15 Endoscopic injection in duodenum
JDSH18 Endoscopic contact coagulation in duodenum
JDSH22 Endoscopic laser therapy in duodenum
JDSH25 Other endoscopic haemostatic procedure in duodenum
JDSH28 Other endoscopic procedure using diathermy or heat in duodenum
JDSH32 Endoscopic dilatation of duodenum
JDSH35 Endoscopic insertion of duodenal stent
JDSH40 Duodenostomy on duodenal bulb
JDSH41 Laparoscopic duodenostomy on duodenal bulb
JDSH50 Local excision of lesion of duodenal bulb
JDSH52 Endoscopic mucosal or submucosal resection in duodenum
JDSH60 Pyloromyotomy
JDSH61 Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy
JDSH62 Perforation of duodenal membrane
JDSH63 Pyloroplasty
JDSH70 Closure of perforated ulcer of duodenum
JDSH71 Laparoscopic closure of perforated ulcer of duodenum
JDSW Other operations on stomach and duodenum
JDSW96 Other operation on stomach or duodenum
JDSW97 Other laparoscopic operation on stomach or duodenum
JDSW98 Other transluminal endoscopic operation on stomach or duodenum
JDX Other procedures of stomach and duodenum
JDXA00 Check-up and adjustment of gastric banding
JDXX00 Insertion of nasogastric or naso-gastroduodenal tube
JDXX02 Insertion of tube through gastrostomy
JDXX10 Insertion of other tube into stomach or duodenum
JDXX20 Change of gastrostomy tube
JDXX30 Gastric irrigation
JE Appendix
JES Surgery of appendix
JESA Appendectomy
JESA00 Appendectomy
JESA01 Laparoscopic appendectomy
JESA10 Appendectomy with drainage
JESW Other operations on appendix
JESW96 Other operation on appendix
JESW97 Other laparoscopic operation on appendix
JF Intestine
JFD Diagnostic radiology of intestine
JFDB00 Gastrointestinal stoma X-ray examination
JFDB1A Passage examination of small bowell with X-ray
JFDB1B Small bowel X-ray examination with duple contrast
JFDB2A Colongraphy with X-ray
JFDB2B Colonography with duple contrast
JFDB2J Colon transit examination with X-ray
JFDB30 Bowel reservoir X-ray examination
JFDD1A Small bowel CT
JFDD4P CT examination of bowel perfusion
JFDE00 Ultrasonography through intestinal stoma
JFDE02 Endoscopic ultrasonography through intestinal stoma
JFE Endoscopy of intestine
JFE002 Peroral enteroscopy
JFE003 Endoscopic remowal of foreign body from small intestine
JFE005 Peroral enteroscopy with biopsy
JFE012 Enteroscopy through intestinal stoma
JFE014 Enteroscopy of ileoanal anastomosis
JFE015 Enteroscopy with biopsy through intestinal stoma
JFE022 Intraoperative enteroscopy
JFE025 Intraoperative enteroscopy with biopsy
JFE030 Ileoscopy through colon
JFE032 Coloscopy
JFE034 Left colonoscopy
JFE035 Coloscopy with biopsy
JFE042 Flexible sigmoidoscopy
JFE045 Flexible sigmoidoscopy with biopsy
JFE052 Endoscopy of pelvic reservoar
JFE055 Endoscopy of pelvic reservoar with biopsy
JFE082 Peranal enteroscopy
JFE085 Peranal enteroscopy with biopsy
JFE092 Capsular endoscopy of small intestine
JFF Functioning of intestine
JFFA00 Oral lactose tolerance test
JFFB00 Hydrogen breath test
JFFB10 Triolein breath test
JFI Intestine isotope examination
JFIB00 Intestinal blood loss isotope examination
JFIB10 Intestinal albumine loss isotope examination
JFO Radiotherapy of intestine
JFO001 Preoperative radiotherapy of small and large bowel
JFO002 Radical radiotherapy of small and large bowel
JFO003 Adjuvant radiotherapy of small and large bowel
JFO004 Palliative radiotherapy of small and large bowel
JFO029 Radiotherapy of local recicive of tumor of small and large bowel
JFO049 Radiotherapy of methastasis in small and large bowel
JFO090 Profylactic radiotherapy of small and large bowel
JFO099 Other radiotherapy of small and large bowel
JFS Surgery of intestine
JFSA Local operations on intestine
JFSA00 Enterotomy
JFSA02 Endoscopic extraction of foreign body from small bowel
JFSA05 Endoscopic polypectomy in small intestine
JFSA10 Colotomy
JFSA12 Endoscopic extraction of foreign body from colon
JFSA15 Endoscopic polypectomy in colon
JFSA16 Biopsy of wall of colon without colotomy
JFSA17 Laparoscopic biopsy of wall of colon without colotomy
JFSA22 Endoscopic injection in small intestine
JFSA25 Endoscopic contact coagulation in small intestine
JFSA28 Endoscopic laser therapy in small intestine
JFSA32 Other endoscopic haemostatic procedure in small intestine
JFSA35 Other endoscopic procedure using diathermy or heat in small intestine
JFSA38 Endoscopic dilatation of small intestine
JFSA42 Endoscopic injection in colon
JFSA45 Endoscopic contact coagulation in colon
JFSA48 Endoscopic laser therapy in colon
JFSA52 Other endoscopic haemostatic procedure in colon
JFSA55 Other endoscopic procedure using diathermy or heat in colon
JFSA58 Endoscopic dilatation of colon
JFSA60 Stricturoplasty in small intestine
JFSA63 Stricturoplasty in colon
JFSA65 Endoscopic insertion of stent into small intestine
JFSA68 Endoscopic insertion of prosthetic tube into colon
JFSA70 Suture of small intestine
JFSA71 Laparoscopic suture of small intestine
JFSA73 Excision of lesion of small intestine
JFSA74 Laparoscopic excision of lesion of small intestine
JFSA76 Closure of fistula of small intestine
JFSA80 Suture of colon
JFSA81 Laparoscopic suture of colon
JFSA83 Excision of lesion of colon
JFSA84 Laparoscopic excision of lesion of colon
JFSA85 Endoscopic mucosal or submucosal resection in colon
JFSA86 Closure of fistula of colon
JFSA96 Other local operation on intestine
JFSA97 Other laparoscopic local operation on intestine
JFSA98 Other transluminal endoscopic local operation on intestine
JFSB Partial excision of intestine
JFSB00 Partial resection of small intestine
JFSB01 Laparoscopic partial resection of small intestine
JFSB10 Reversal of segment of small intestine
JFSB13 Plastic repair of small intestine with lengthening
JFSB20 Ileocaecal resection
JFSB21 Laparoscopic ileocaecal resection
JFSB30 Right hemicolectomy
JFSB31 Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy
JFSB33 Other resection comprising small intestine and colon
JFSB34 Other laparoscopic resection comprising small intestine and colon
JFSB40 Resection of transverse colon
JFSB41 Laparoscopic resection of transverse colon
JFSB43 Left hemicolectomy
JFSB44 Laparoscopic left hemicolectomy
JFSB46 Resection of sigmoid colon
JFSB47 Laparoscopic resection of sigmoid colon
JFSB50 Other resection of colon
JFSB51 Other laparoscopic resection of colon
JFSB53 Resection of sigmoid colon with partial proctectomy
JFSB54 Laparoscopic resection of sigmoid colon with partial proctectomy
JFSB60 Resection of sigmoid colon with end colostomy
JFSB61 Laparoscopic resection of sigmoid colon with end colostomy and closure of distal stump
JFSB63 Other resection of colon with proximal colostomy and closure of distal stump
JFSB64 Other laparoscopic resection of colon with proximal colostomy and closure of distal stump
JFSB96 Other partial excision of intestine
JFSB97 Other laparoscopic partial excision of intestine
JFSC Anastomosis of intestine
JFSC00 Entero-enterostomy
JFSC01 Laparoscopic entero-enterostomy
JFSC10 Ileotransversostomy
JFSC11 Laparoscopic ileotransversostomy
JFSC20 Other enterocolostomy
JFSC21 Other laparoscopic enterocolostomy
JFSC30 Colo-colostomy
JFSC31 Laparoscopic colo-colostomy
JFSC40 Ileorectostomy
JFSC41 Laparoscopic ileorectostomy
JFSC50 Colorectostomy
JFSC51 Laparoscopic colorectostomy
JFSD Intestinal bypass operations
JFSD00 Jejunoileal bypass
JFSD03 Duodenoileal bypass with biliopancreatic diversion
JFSD04 Laparoscopic duodenoileal bypass with biliopancreatic diversion
JFSD10 Revision of jejunoileal bypass
JFSD13 Revision of duodenoileal bypass
JFSD20 Restoration of continuity after jejunoileal bypass
JFSD23 Restoration of continuity after duodenoileal bypass
JFSD96 Other intestinal bypass operation
JFSE00 Transplantation of small intestine
JFSE96 Other operation relating to transplantation of small intestine
JFSF Exteriorisation of intestine and creation of intestinal stomas
JFSF00 Catheter enterostomy
JFSF01 Laparoscopic catheter enterostomy
JFSF10 Loop enterostomy
JFSF11 Laparoscopic loop enterostomy
JFSF13 Terminal enterostomy
JFSF16 Conversion of ileoanal anastomosis to ileostomy
JFSF20 Caecostomy
JFSF21 Laparoscopic caecostomy
JFSF23 Transversostomy
JFSF24 Laparoscopic transversostomy
JFSF26 Sigmoidostomy
JFSF27 Laparoscopic sigmoidostomy
JFSF30 Other colostomy
JFSF31 Other laparoscopic colostomy
JFSF40 Appendicostomy
JFSF41 Laparoscopic appendicostomy
JFSF50 Exteriorisation of loop of colon without opening
JFSF51 Laparoscopic exteriorisation of loop of colon without opening
JFSF60 Opening of exteriorised loop of colon
JFSF96 Other exteriorisation of intestine or creation of intestinal stoma
JFSF97 Other laparoscopic exteriorisation of intestine or creation of intestinal stoma
JFSG Operations on intestinal stoma or pouch
JFSG00 Closure of loop enterostomy without resection
JFSG10 Closure of loop colostomy without resection
JFSG20 Closure of enterostomy with resection of exteriorised loop
JFSG23 Closure of terminal enterostomy with anastomosis to small intestine
JFSG26 Closure of terminal enterostomy with anastomosis to colon
JFSG29 Closure of terminal enterostomy with anastomosis to rectum
JFSG30 Closure of colostomy with resection of exteriorised loop
JFSG33 Closure of terminal colostomy with anastomosis to colon
JFSG36 Closure of terminal colostomy with anastomosis to rectum
JFSG40 Revision of enterostomy or colostomy without laparotomy
JFSG50 Laparotomy with revision of enterostomy or colostomy
JFSG53 Revision of ileal pelvic pouch
JFSG56 Revision of colonic pelvic pouch
JFSG60 Conversion of conventional ileostomy to continent ileostomy
JFSG70 Conversion of continent ileostomy to conventional ileostomy
JFSG73 Excision of ileal pelvic pouch
JFSG76 Excision of colonic pelvic pouch with colorectal or coloanal anastomosis
JFSG80 Excision of ileal pouch with construction of new continent ileostomy
JFSG83 Excision of colonic pelvic pouch and construction of new pouch
JFSG86 Excision of ileal pelvic pouch and construction of new pouch
JFSG96 Other operation on intestinal stoma or pouch
JFSH Total colectomy
JFSH00 Total colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis
JFSH01 Laparoscopic total colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis
JFSH10 Total colectomy and ileostomy
JFSH11 Laparoscopic total colectomy and ileostomy
JFSH20 Proctocolectomy and ileostomy
JFSH30 Total colectomy, mucosal proctectomy and ileoanal anastomosis without ileostomy
JFSH31 Laparoscopic total colectomy, mucosal proctectomy and ileoanal anastomosis without ileostomy
JFSH33 Total colectomy, mucosal proctectomy, ileoanal anastomosis and ileostomy
JFSH40 Proctocolectomy and continent ileostomy
JFSH96 Other total colectomy
JFSJ Fixation of intestine to abdominal wall
JFSJ00 Coecopexy
JFSJ01 Laparoscopic coecopexy
JFSJ96 Other enteropexy or colopexy
JFSJ97 Other laparoscopic enteropexy or colopexy
JFSK Operations on adhesions in intestinal obstruction
JFSK00 Division of adhesive band in intestinal obstruction
JFSK01 Laparoscopic division of adhesive band in intestinal obstruction
JFSK10 Freeing of adhesions in intestinal obstruction
JFSK11 Laparoscopic freeing of adhesions in intestinal obstruction
JFSK20 Freeing of adhesions and plication of small intestine
JFSK96 Other operation on adhesions in intestinal obstruction
JFSK97 Other laparoscopic operation on adhesions in intestinal obstruction
JFSL Operations for intestinal obstruction without resection or freeing of adhesions
JFSL00 Open reduction of intussusception of intestine
JFSL10 Laparotomy and manipulation of obstructed intestine
JFSL11 Laparoscopic manipulation of obstructed intestine
JFSL20 Laparotomy and manipulation of impacted material
JFSL96 Other operation for intestinal obstruction without resection or freeing of adhesions
JFSM Intraoperative irrigation of colon (DELETED)
JFSM00 Intraoperative irrigation of colon
JFSW Other operations on intestine
JFSW96 Other operation on intestine
JFSW97 Other laparoscopic operation on intestine
JFSW98 Other transluminal endoscopic operation on intestine
JFX Other procedures of intestine
JFXF00 Insertion or exchange of tube through appendicostomy
JFXH00 Insertion of tube through colostomy
JFXH10 Antegrade colonic enema (ACE) through appendicostomy
JFXL00 Treatment of bowel invagination with ultrasound guidance
JFXL02 Reduction of intestinal intussusception using barium enema
JFXX00 Insertion of jejunal tube
JFXX02 Insertion of tube through jejunostromy
JFXX04 Irrigation of enterostomy
JFXX10 Insertion of jejunal tube through gastrostomy
JFXX20 Peroral biopsy of small intestine
JFXX30 Stool transplantation
JG Rectum
JGD Diagnostic radiology of rectum
JGDB1J Defecography with X-ray
JGDE12 Transrectal endoscopic ultrasonography
JGE Endoscopy of rectum
JGE002 Proctoscopy
JGE003 Endoscopic removal of foreign body from rectum
JGE005 Proctoscopy with biopsy
JGFX90 Rectum clinical examination
JGO Radiotherapy of rectum
JGO001 Preopertaive radiotherapy of rectum
JGO002 Radical radiotherapy of rectum
JGO003 Adjuvant radiotherapy of rectum
JGO004 Palliative radiotherapy of rectum
JGO029 Radiotherapy of local recidive of tumor of rectum
JGO049 Radiotherapy of methastasis in rectum
JGO090 Profylactic radiotherapy of rectum
JGO099 Other radiotherapy of rectum
JGS Surgery of rectum
JGSA Proctotomy and local operations on rectum
JGSA00 Proctotomy
JGSA02 Endoscopic extraction of foreign body from rectum
JGSA05 Endoscopic polypectomy in rectum
JGSA22 Endoscopic injection in rectum
JGSA25 Endoscopic dilatation of rectum
JGSA28 Endoscopic contact coagulation in rectum
JGSA32 Endoscopic laser therapy in rectum
JGSA35 Other endoscopic haemostatic procedure in rectum
JGSA52 Other endoscopic procedure using diathermy or heat in rectum
JGSA57 Endoscopic dilatation of rectum
JGSA58 Endoscopic insertion of rectal stent
JGSA60 Suture of rectum
JGSA70 Proctotomy and excision of lesion of rectum
JGSA73 Transanal excision of lesion of rectum
JGSA75 Endoscopic microsurgical excision of lesion of rectum
JGSA76 Stapled transanal rectal resection
JGSA96 Other proctotomy or local operation on rectum
JGSA97 Other laparoscopic proctotomy or local operation on rectum
JGSA98 Other transluminal endoscopic local operation on rectum
JGSB Excision of rectum
JGSB00 Partial proctectomy and colorectal or coloanal anastomosis
JGSB01 Laparoscopic partial proctectomy and colorectal or coloanal anastomosis
JGSB03 Partial proctectomy with partial excision of mesorectum
JGSB04 Laparoscopic partial proctectomy with partial excision of mesorectum
JGSB06 Partial proctectomy with total excision of mesorectum
JGSB07 Laparoscopic partial proctectomy with total excision of mesorectum
JGSB10 Partial proctectomy and end colostomy
JGSB11 Laparoscopic partial proctectomy and end colostomy
JGSB20 Partial rectosigmoidectomy and abdominoperineal pull-through anastomosis
JGSB30 Abdominoperineal excision of rectum
JGSB31 Laparoscopic and perineal excision of rectum
JGSB33 Abdominoperineal excision of rectum with intersphincteric dissection
JGSB34 Laparoscopic abdominoperineal excision of rectum with intersphincteric dissection
JGSB36 Wide excision of rectum
JGSB40 Excision of rectum and end ileostomy
JGSB50 Mucosal proctectomy and ileoanal anastomosis
JGSB60 Excision of rectum and ileoanal anastomosis
JGSB61 Laparoscopic excision of rectum and ileoanal anastomosis
JGSB96 Other proctectomy or excision of rectum
JGSB97 Other laparoscopic proctectomy or excision of rectum
JGSC Reconstructive operations on rectum
JGSC00 Rectopexy
JGSC01 Laparoscopic rectopexy
JGSC10 Perineal rectopexy
JGSC20 Transanal suture
JGSC30 Excision and suture of rectal mucosa with imbrication of muscular layer
JGSC40 Anorectal repair of anal atresia
JGSC96 Other reconstructive operation on rectum
JGSC97 Other laparoscopic reconstructive operation on rectum
JGSD Operations on perirectal tissue
JGSD00 Excision of perineal local recurrence of tumour
JGSW Other operations on rectum
JGSW96 Other operation on rectum
JGSW97 Other laparoscopic operation on rectum
JGSW98 Other transluminal endoscopic operation on rectum
JGX Other procedures of rectum
JGXA00 Removal of foreign body from rectum
JGXB00 Rectal biopsy with capsel
JGXX00 Manual extraction of impacted faeces
JGXX02 Insertion of rectal tube
JGXX04 Transanal irrigation
JGXX90 Other support of normal defecation
JH Anus and perianal tissue
JHD Diagnostic radiology of anus and perianal tissue
JHDB1A Anography with X-ray
JHDE00 Transanal ultrasonography
JHE Endoscopy of anus
JHE002 Anoscopy
JHE005 Anoscopy with biopsy
JHF Other diagnostic procedure of anus and perianal tissue
JHFH10 Anorectal manometry
JHFH20 Electromyography of anal sphincter
JHO Radiotherapy of anus and its surrounding
JHO001 Preoperative radiotherapy of anus and its surrounding
JHO002 Radical radiotherapy of anus and its surrounding
JHO003 Adjuvant radiotherapy of anus and its surrounding
JHO004 Palliative radiotherapy of anus and its surrounding
JHO029 Radiotherapy of local recidive of tumor of anus and its surrounding
JHO049 Radiotherapy of methastasis in anus and its surrounding
JHO090 Profylactic radiotherapy of anus and its surrounding
JHO099 Other radiotherapy of anus and its surrounding
JHS Surgery of anus and its surrounding
JHSA Incision, biopsy and excision of lesion of anus and perianal tissue
JHSA00 Anal or perianal incision
JHSA10 Biopsy of anal canal
JHSA20 Excision of lesion of anal canal or perianal tissue
JHSA30 Thermic procedure on lesion of anal canal or perianal tissue
JHSB Procedures for haemorrhoids and prolapse of mucosa
JHSB00 Haemorrhoidectomy
JHSB10 Thermic destruction of haemorrhoids or prolapse of mucosa
JHSB20 Sclerotherapy of haemorrhoids
JHSB30 Rubber band ligature of haemorrhoids or prolapse of mucosa
JHSB40 Resection and stapled suture of anal mucosa
JHSB96 Other procedure for haemorrhoids or prolapse of mucosa
JHSC Reconstructive operations on anus
JHSC00 Suture of anal sphincter
JHSC10 Reconstruction of anal sphincter without graft
JHSC20 Reconstruction of anal sphincter with graft of muscle
JHSC30 Reconstruction of anal sphincter with transposition of muscle
JHSC33 Revision of reconstruction of anal sphincter with graft of muscle
JHSC40 Encircling suture of anus
JHSC50 Anal repair of anal atresia
JHSC60 Transanal submucous or intersphincteric injection
JHSD Dilatation and incision of anal sphincter
JHSD00 Anal dilatation
JHSD10 Myotomy of anal sphincter
JHSD20 Incision of fistula-in-ano
JHSD30 Incomplete incision of fistula-in-ano
JHSD33 Completing incision of fistula-in-ano
JHSD40 Partial excision of internal anal sphincter
JHSD50 Excision of fistula-in-ano with advancement flap of mucosa
JHSD60 Occlusion of fistula-in-ano with use of collagen
JHSD63 Occlusion of fistula-in-ano with use of fibrin
JHSD96 Other incision of anal sphincter
JHSE Implantation of artificial anal sphincter and related operations
JHSE10 Implantation of artificial anal sphincter
JHSE20 Revision of artificial anal sphincter
JHSE30 Removal of artificial anal sphincter
JHSE96 Other operations related to artificial anal sphincter implantation
JHSW Other operations on anus and perianal tissue
JHSW96 Other operation on anus or perianal tissue
JHX Other procedures on anus and perianal tissue
JHX000 Exploration of rectum
JHXA00 Anal sphincter training
JHXA10 Sacral stimulation for rectal incontinence
JHXA99 Other treatment of rectal incontinence
JJ Liver
JJD Diagnostic radiology of liver
JJDD1P CT examination of liver perfusion
JJDE1C Liver, bile duct and pancreas endoscopic ultrasound examination
JJDK1A Spectroscopy of liver
JJI Liver isotope examination
JJIA00 Liver isotope imaging
JJO Radiotherapy of liver
JJO001 Preoperative radiotherapy of liver and bile system
JJO002 Radical radiotherapy of liver and bile system
JJO003 Adjuvant radiotherapy of liver and bile system
JJO004 Palliative radiotherapy of liver and bile system
JJO029 Radiotherapy of local recidive of tumor of liver and bile system
JJO049 Radiotherapy of methastasis in liver and bile system
JJO090 Profylactic radiotherapy of liver and bile system
JJO099 Other radiotherapy of liver and bile system
JJS Surgery of liver
JJSA Local operations on liver
JJSA00 Exploration of liver
JJSA10 Hepatotomy
JJSA20 Open biopsy of liver
JJSA21 Laparoscopic biopsy of liver
JJSA23 Open needle biopsy of liver
JJSA24 Laparoscopic needle biopsy of liver
JJSA26 Transjugular (thoracoscopic) biopsy of liver
JJSA30 Fenestration of cyst of liver
JJSA31 Laparoscopic fenestration of cyst of liver
JJSA40 Excision of lesion of liver
JJSA41 Laparoscopic excision of lesion of liver
JJSA43 Destruction of lesion of liver
JJSA44 Laparoscopic destruction of lesion of liver
JJSA50 Suture of liver
JJSA60 Sclerotherapy of cyst of liver
JJSA96 Other local operation on liver
JJSA97 Other laparoscopic local operation on liver
JJSB Resection of liver
JJSB00 Wedge resection of liver
JJSB10 Atypical resection of liver
JJSB20 Excision of single segment of liver
JJSB30 Excision of two segments of liver
JJSB40 Excision of segments II, III and IV of liver
JJSB50 Excision of segments V, VI, VII and VIII of liver
JJSB53 Excision of segments IV,V, VI, VII and VIII of liver
JJSB60 Other excision of three or more segments of liver
JJSB71 Laparoscopic resection of liver
JJSB96 Other resection of liver
JJSC Transplantation of liver and related operations
JJSC00 Allogenic transplantation of liver
JJSC10 Allogenic partial transplantation of liver
JJSC20 Allogenic partial transplantation of liver from living donor
JJSC30 Xenogenic transplantation of liver
JJSC40 Xenogenic partial transplantation of liver
JJSC50 Resection of transplanted liver
JJSC60 Total excision of transplanted liver
JJSC96 Other transplantation of liver or related operation
JJSW Other operations on liver
JJSW96 Other operation on liver
JJSW97 Other laparoscopic operation on liver
JJX Other procedures of liver
JJX000 Liver percutaneous needle biopsy
JJX002 Liver needle biopsy for cytology
JJX010 Liver lesion puncture and drainage
JJX020 Liver lesion percutaneous destruction
JJXA00 Liver dialysis
JK Biliary tract
JKD Diagnostic radiology of biliary tract
JKDB1C Cholecysto- and choledochography with X-ray
JKDB3M Postoperative cholangiography
JKDB3N Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
JKDB3P Intraoperative cholangiography
JKDB3R Laparoscopic cholangiography
JKDB3S Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography
JKDD3A Bile duct CT
JKE Endoscopy of biliary tract
JKE005 ERCP with biopsy
JKE012 Peroral cholangioscopy
JKE015 Peroral cholangioscopy with biopsy
JKE022 Antegrade cholangioscopy
JKE025 Antegrade cholangioscopy with biopsy
JKE032 Antegrade cholecystoscopy
JKE035 Antegrade cholecystoscopy with biopsy
JKE042 Peroral pancreaticoscopy
JKE045 Peroral pancreaticoscopy with biopsy
JKF Physiological examinations of biliary tract
JKFK02 Endoscopic manometry of common bile duct
JKI Biliary tract isotope examination
JKIA00 Biliary tract isotope imaging
JKIA30 Bile absorbtion isotope examination
JKS Surgery of biliary tract
JKSA Operations on gallbladder
JKSA00 Cholecystotomy
JKSA10 Cholecystostomy
JKSA11 Laparoscopic cholecystostomy
JKSA13 Percutaneous cholecystostomy
JKSA14 Percutaneous puncture of gallbladder and drenage
JKSA20 Cholecystectomy
JKSA21 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
JKSA96 Other operation on gallbladder
JKSA97 Other laparoscopic operation on gallbladder
JKSB Incision and related operations on bile duct
JKSB00 Incision of bile duct
JKSB01 Laparoscopic incision of bile duct
JKSB11 Laparoscopic extraction of calculus from bile duct through cystic duct
JKSB20 Intraoperative cholangioscopy
JKSB21 Laparoscopic cholangioscopy
JKSB40 Suture of bile duct
JKSB42 Laparoscopic suture of bile duct
JKSB96 Other incision or related operation on bile duct
JKSB97 Other laparoscopic incision or related operation on bile duct
JKSC Excision of bile duct
JKSC00 Incision of bile duct and local excision of lesion
JKSC01 Laparoscopic incision of bile duct and local excision of lesion
JKSC10 Partial excision and anastomosis of bile duct
JKSC20 Partial excision of bile duct and anastomosis to duodenum
JKSC30 Partial excision of bile duct and anastomosis to jejunum
JKSC40 Partial excision of right or left hepatic duct and anastomosis to jejunum
JKSC50 Excision of papilla of Vater and anastomosis of bile duct to duodenum or jejunum
JKSC96 Other excision of bile duct
JKSC97 Other laparoscopic excision of bile duct
JKSD Biliodigestive anastomosis without excision
JKSD00 Anastomosis of gallbladder to jejunum
JKSD01 Laparoscopic anastomosis of gallbladder to jejunum
JKSD10 Anastomosis of bile duct to duodenum
JKSD12 Endoscopic anastomosis of bile duct to duodenum
JKSD20 Anastomosis of bile duct to jejunum
JKSD30 Extrahepatic anastomosis of right or left hepatic duct to jejunum
JKSD40 Anastomosis of intrahepatic bile duct to jejunum
JKSD50 Hepatoportoenterostomy
JKSD96 Other biliodigestive anastomosis without excision
JKSE Transduodenal operations on bile duct or ampulla of Vater
JKSE00 Transduodenal papillotomy
JKSE02 Transduodenal endoscopic incision of common bile duct orifice
JKSE06 Transduodenal sphincteroplasty
JKSE12 Endoscopic extraction of calculus from bile duct
JKSE15 Endoscopic lithotripsy in bile duct
JKSE18 Endoscopic insertion of stent into bile duct
JKSE22 Endoscopic extraction of foreign body from bile duct
JKSE25 Endoscopic external drainage of bile duct
JKSE32 Endoscopic dilatation of bile duct
JKSE96 Other transduodenal open operation on bile duct or ampulla of Vater
JKSE98 Other transduodenal endoscopic operation on bile duct or ampulla of Vater
JKSF Secondary operations on biliary tract
JKSF00 Excision of cystic duct
JKSF10 Percutaneous extraction of biliary calculus
JKSF96 Other secondary operation on biliary tract
JKSF97 Other laparoscopic secondary operation on biliary tract
JKST Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy of biliary tract
JKST00 Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy of gallbladder
JKST10 Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy of biliary duct
JKSW Other operations on biliary tract
JKSW96 Other operation on biliary tract
JKSW97 Other laparoscopic operation on biliary tract
JKSW98 Other transluminal endoscopic operation on biliary tract
JKX Other pocedures of biliary tract
JKXA00 Bile tract percutaneous needle biopsy
JKXA10 Puncture of gallbladder
JKXA12 Catheterisation of gallbladder
JKXA14 Exchange of bile duct catheter
JKXB00 Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage
JKXB02 Percutaneous transhepatic dilatation of bile duct
JKXB03 Percutaneous transhepatic dilatation of bile duct with stent
JKXB04 Implantation of bile duct prosthesis with combined percutaneous transhepatic and endoscopic retrograde technic
JKXB10 Percutaneous transhepatic removal of stones from bile ducts
JKXC00 Heat coagualtion of bile ducts
JL Pancreas
JLD Diagnostic radiology of pancreas
JLDB4S Endoscopic retrograde pancreaticography
JLDB5S Endoscopic retrograd cholangiopancreaticography
JLDB6S Prolonged kinetic examination of bile and pancreas ducts
JLDD1A Pancreas CT
JLDG5A Bile and pancreas ducts MRI examination
JLF Other diagnostic procedures of pancreas
JLFL02 Endoscopic manometry of pancreatic duct
JLI Pancreas isotope imaging
JLIA00 Pancreas isotope imaging
JLO Radiotherapy of pancreas
JLO001 Peroperative radiotherapy of pancreas
JLO002 Radical radiotherapy of pancreas
JLO003 Adjuvant radiotherapy of pancreas
JLO004 Palliative radiotherapy of pancreas
JLO029 Radiotherapy of local recidive of tumor of pancreas
JLO049 Radiotherapy of methastasis in pancreas
JLO090 Prophylactic radiotherapy of pancreas
JLO099 Other radiotherapy of pancreas
JLS Surgery of pancreas
JLSA Exploration and biopsy of pancreas
JLSA00 Exploration of pancreas
JLSA10 Biopsy of pancreas
JLSA20 Needle biopsy of pancreas
JLSA21 Laparoscopic needle biopsy of pancreas
JLSB Incision, drainage or dilatation of pancreas
JLSB00 Incision of pancreas
JLSB10 Pancreaticolithotomy
JLSB12 Transduodenal endoscopic incision of pancreatic duct orifice
JLSB22 Transduodenal endoscopic extraction of calculus from pancreatic duct
JLSB25 Transduodenal endoscopic lithotripsy in pancreatic duct
JLSB28 Endoscopic insertion of stent into pancreatic duct
JLSB35 Transduodenal endoscopic extraction of foreign body from pancreatic duct
JLSB38 Endoscopic external drainage of pancreatic duct
JLSB42 Transduodenal endoscopic dilatation of pancreatic duct
JLSB96 Other incision, drainage or dilatation of pancreas
JLSB98 Other transduodenal endoscopic incision, drainage or dilatation of pancreas
JLSC Excision of pancreas
JLSC00 Excision of lesion of pancreas
JLSC10 Distal pancreatectomy
JLSC11 Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy
JLSC20 Total pancreatectomy
JLSC30 Pancreatoduodenectomy
JLSC40 Total pancreatoduodenectomy
JLSC50 Atypical pancreatectomy
JLSC96 Other pancreatectomy
JLSD Anastomosis of pancreas without resection
JLSD00 Pancreaticojejunostomy
JLSD10 Anastomosis of pancreatic pseudocyst to stomach
JLSD12 Endoscopic drainage of pancreatic pseudocyst
JLSD20 Anastomosis of pancreatic pseudocyst to jejunum
JLSD22 Endoscopic drainage of pancreatic pseudocyst to jejunum
JLSE Transplantation of pancreas and related operations
JLSE00 Allogenic total transplantation of pancreas with pancraticocystostomy
JLSE03 Allogenic total transplantation of pancreas with pancreaticoenterostomy
JLSE10 Allogenic segmental transplantation of pancreas
JLSE16 Allogenic segmental transplantation of pancreas from living donor
JLSE20 Allogenic islet cell transplantation
JLSE30 Xenogenic islet cell transplantation
JLSE40 Total excision of transplanted pancreas
JLSE50 Occlusion of duct of transplanted pancreas
JLSE56 Conversion of pancreaticocystostomy to pancreaticoenterostomy
JLSE96 Other transplantation of pancreas or related operation
JLST Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy of pancreatic duct
JLST00 Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy of pancreatic duct
JLSW Other operations on pancreas
JLSW96 Other operation on pancreas
JLSW97 Other laparoscopic operation on pancreas
JLSW98 Other transluminal endoscopic operation on pancreas
JLX Other procedures of pancreas
JLXA00 Heat coagulation of pancreas
JLXX00 Pancreas percutaneous needle biopsy
JLXX02 Pancreas needle biopsy for cytology
JLXX12 Pancreas cyst or abscess percutaneous drainage
JLXX14 Pancreas cyst catheter exchange
JM Spleen
JMDD1P CT examination of spleen perfusion
JMI Spleen isotope examination
JMIA00 Spleen and accessory spleen isotope imaging
JMIA02 Spleen and accessory spleen SPECT
JMO Radiotherapy of spleen
JMO001 Preoperative radiotherapy of spleen
JMO002 Radical radiotherapy of spleen
JMO003 Adjuvant radiotherapy of spleen
JMO004 Palliative radiotherapy of spleen
JMO029 Radiotherapy of local recidive of tumor of spleen
JMO049 Radiotherapy of methastasis in spleen
JMO090 Profylactic radiotherapy of spleen
JMO099 Other radiotherapy of spleen
JMS Surgery of spleen
JMSA Splenectomy
JMSA00 Partial splenectomy
JMSA10 Transabdominal total splenectomy
JMSA11 Laparoscopic total splenectomy
JMSA20 Transthoracic total splenectomy
JMSA99 Other splenectomy
JMSB Miscellaneous operations on spleen
JMSB00 Biopsy of spleen
JMSB01 Laparoscopic biopsy of spleen
JMSB10 Repair of spleen
JMSW Other operations on spleen
JMSW96 Other operation on spleen
JMSW97 Other laparoscopic operation on spleen
JMX Other procedures of spleen
JMXA00 Spleen heat coagulation
JMXX00 Needle biopsy of spleen
JMXX02 Spleen needle biopsy for cytology
JW Reoperations in gastroenterological surgery
JWSA00 Repair of wound dehiscence in gastroenterological surgery
JWSA01 Laparoscopic repair of wound dehiscence in gastroenterological surgery
JWSB00 Reoperation for superficial infection in gastroenterological surgery
JWSC00 Reoperation for deep infection in gastroenterological surgery
JWSC01 Percutaneous endoscopic reoperation for deep infection in gastroenterological surgery
JWSD00 Reoperation for superficial haemorrhage in gastroenterological surgery
JWSE00 Reoperation for deep haemorrhage in gastroenterological surgery
JWSE01 Percutaneous endoscopic reoperation for deep haemorrhage in gastroenterological surgery
JWSE02 Transluminal endoscopic reoperation for deep haemorrhage in gastroenterological surgery
JWSF00 Reoperation for insufficiency of anastomosis or suture in gastroenterological surgery
JWSF01 Percutaneous endoscopic reoperation for insufficiency of anastomosis or suture in gastroenterological
JWSW96 Other reoperation in gastroenterological surgery
JWSW97 Other percutaneous endoscopic reoperation in gastroenterological surgery
JWSW98 Other transluminal endoscopic reoperation in gastroenterological surgery
JX Other procedures on abdomen and abdominal organs
JXD Other diagnostic radiology of abdomen and abdominal organs
JXDA1L Kinetic X-ray of alimentary tract with pictures
JXDA3A Abdominal X-ray examination without contrast
JXDA3C Simple X-ray examination of abdomen and pelvis
JXDA3H Tomography of abdominal or pelvic organs
JXDB1J Gastrointestinal passage X-ray examination
JXDB1X Other X-ray examination of alimentary tract with contrast
JXDB2X Other postoperative ultrasound examinaton of alimentary organs
JXDD1A CT examination of upper part of abdomen
JXDD2A CT examination of lower part of abdomen
JXDD2V Pelvic CT examination for dose design of radiotherapy
JXDD3A Abdominal CT examination
JXDD3V Abdominal CT examination for dose design of radiotherapy
JXDE1A Ultrasound examination of upper part of abdomen
JXDE1X Other ultrasound examinaton of alimentary organs
JXDE2A Ultrasound examination of lower part of abdomen without contrast
JXDE3A Abdominal ultrasound examination
JXDG1B Upper part of abdomen MRI examination
JXDG2B Lower part of abdomen MRI examination
JXDG2V Pelvic MRI examination for dose design of radiotherapy
JXDG3B Abdominal MRI examination
JXDG3V Abdominal MRI examination for dose design of radiotherapy
JXF Other diagnostic procedures of abdomen and abdominal organs
JXFA00 Pressure measurement in gastrointestinal tract
JXFB00 Gastrointestinal transittime measurement
JXFW99 Other investigative procedure on digestive system
JXFX90 Abdominal clinical examination
JXI Other abdominal isotope imaging
JXIA00 Abdominal isotope imaging
JXIA10 Liver, spleen and pancreas isotope imaging
JXIB00 Bowel function isotope test
JXSA Extensive abdominal operations with overlapping anatomical location
JXSA00 Intralesional excision of extensive tumour of abdominal wall without defined origin in JA subgroup
JXSA03 Marginal excision of extensive tumour of abdominal wall without defined origin in JA subgroup
JXSA06 Wide excision of extensive tumour of abdominal wall without defined origin in JA subgroup
JXSA10 Intralesional excision of extensive tumour of abdominal cavity without defined origin in chapter J two-character group
JXSA13 Marginal excision of extensive tumour of abdominal cavity without defined origin in chapter J two-character group
JXSA16 Wide excision of extensive tumour of abdominal cavity without defined origin in chapter J two-character group
JXX Other minor procedure of abdomen and abdominal organs
JXXA00 Prevention and supportive therapy for nausea and vomiting
JXXX00 Alimentary tract percutaneous needle biopsy
JXXX10 Koagulation of bleeding or bloodvessel with lokal diatermy in gastrointestinal endoscopy
JXXX12 Sclerotherapy of vein in gastrointestinal endoscopy
JXXX19 Other procedure for hemostasis through gastrointestinal endoscopy
JXXX20 Dilatation of alimentary tract in endoscopy or with radiological guidance
JXXX30 Excision of local lesion from any part of gastrointestinal tract in endoscopy
JXXX32 Endoscopic removal of foreign body from unspecified part of gastrointestinal tract
JXXX40 Thermal coagulation of body tumor with radiological guidance
JXXX90 Other minor endoscopic gastrointestinal procedure
JXXX99 Other minor procedure in gastroenterology
11/09 2015
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JDSW Other operations on stomach and duodenum
JDSW Other operations on stomach and duodenum
JDSW Other operations on stomach and duodenum