- JLXX00 Pancreas percutaneous needle biopsy
- JLXX02 Pancreas needle biopsy for cytology
- JLXX12 Pancreas cyst or abscess percutaneous drainage
- JLXX14 Pancreas cyst catheter exchange
- JM Spleen
- JMDD1P CT examination of spleen perfusion
- JMI Spleen isotope examination
- JMIA00 Spleen and accessory spleen isotope imaging
- JMIA02 Spleen and accessory spleen SPECT
- JMO Radiotherapy of spleen
- JMO001 Preoperative radiotherapy of spleen
- JMO002 Radical radiotherapy of spleen
- JMO003 Adjuvant radiotherapy of spleen
- JMO004 Palliative radiotherapy of spleen
- JMO029 Radiotherapy of local recidive of tumor of spleen
- JMO049 Radiotherapy of methastasis in spleen
- JMO090 Profylactic radiotherapy of spleen
- JMO099 Other radiotherapy of spleen
- JMS Surgery of spleen
- JMSA Splenectomy
- JMSA00 Partial splenectomy
- JMSA10 Transabdominal total splenectomy
- JMSA11 Laparoscopic total splenectomy
- JMSA20 Transthoracic total splenectomy
- JMSA99 Other splenectomy
- JMSB Miscellaneous operations on spleen
- JMSB00 Biopsy of spleen
- JMSB01 Laparoscopic biopsy of spleen
- JMSB10 Repair of spleen
- JMSW Other operations on spleen
- JMSW96 Other operation on spleen
- JMSW97 Other laparoscopic operation on spleen
- JMX Other procedures of spleen
- JMXA00 Spleen heat coagulation
- JMXX00 Needle biopsy of spleen
- JMXX02 Spleen needle biopsy for cytology
- JW Reoperations in gastroenterological surgery
- JWSA00 Repair of wound dehiscence in gastroenterological surgery
- JWSA01 Laparoscopic repair of wound dehiscence in gastroenterological surgery
- JWSB00 Reoperation for superficial infection in gastroenterological surgery
- JWSC00 Reoperation for deep infection in gastroenterological surgery
- JWSC01 Percutaneous endoscopic reoperation for deep infection in gastroenterological surgery
- JWSD00 Reoperation for superficial haemorrhage in gastroenterological surgery
- JWSE00 Reoperation for deep haemorrhage in gastroenterological surgery
- JWSE01 Percutaneous endoscopic reoperation for deep haemorrhage in gastroenterological surgery
- JWSE02 Transluminal endoscopic reoperation for deep haemorrhage in gastroenterological surgery
- JWSF00 Reoperation for insufficiency of anastomosis or suture in gastroenterological surgery
- JWSF01 Percutaneous endoscopic reoperation for insufficiency of anastomosis or suture in gastroenterological
- JWSW96 Other reoperation in gastroenterological surgery
- JWSW97 Other percutaneous endoscopic reoperation in gastroenterological surgery
- JWSW98 Other transluminal endoscopic reoperation in gastroenterological surgery
- JX Other procedures on abdomen and abdominal organs
- JXD Other diagnostic radiology of abdomen and abdominal organs
- JXDA1L Kinetic X-ray of alimentary tract with pictures
- JXDA3A Abdominal X-ray examination without contrast
- JXDA3C Simple X-ray examination of abdomen and pelvis
- JXDA3H Tomography of abdominal or pelvic organs
- JXDB1J Gastrointestinal passage X-ray examination
- JXDB1X Other X-ray examination of alimentary tract with contrast
- JXDB2X Other postoperative ultrasound examinaton of alimentary organs
- JXDD1A CT examination of upper part of abdomen
- JXDD2A CT examination of lower part of abdomen
- JXDD2V Pelvic CT examination for dose design of radiotherapy
- JXDD3A Abdominal CT examination
- JXDD3V Abdominal CT examination for dose design of radiotherapy
- JXDE1A Ultrasound examination of upper part of abdomen
- JXDE1X Other ultrasound examinaton of alimentary organs
- JXDE2A Ultrasound examination of lower part of abdomen without contrast
- JXDE3A Abdominal ultrasound examination
- JXDG1B Upper part of abdomen MRI examination
- JXDG2B Lower part of abdomen MRI examination
- JXDG2V Pelvic MRI examination for dose design of radiotherapy
- JXDG3B Abdominal MRI examination
- JXDG3V Abdominal MRI examination for dose design of radiotherapy
- JXF Other diagnostic procedures of abdomen and abdominal organs
- JXFA00 Pressure measurement in gastrointestinal tract
- JXFB00 Gastrointestinal transittime measurement
- JXFW99 Other investigative procedure on digestive system
- JXFX90 Abdominal clinical examination
- JXI Other abdominal isotope imaging
- JXIA00 Abdominal isotope imaging
- JXIA10 Liver, spleen and pancreas isotope imaging
- JXIB00 Bowel function isotope test
- JXSA Extensive abdominal operations with overlapping anatomical location
- JXSA00 Intralesional excision of extensive tumour of abdominal wall without defined origin in JA subgroup
- JXSA03 Marginal excision of extensive tumour of abdominal wall without defined origin in JA subgroup
- JXSA06 Wide excision of extensive tumour of abdominal wall without defined origin in JA subgroup
- JXSA10 Intralesional excision of extensive tumour of abdominal cavity without defined origin in chapter J two-character group
- JXSA13 Marginal excision of extensive tumour of abdominal cavity without defined origin in chapter J two-character group
- JXSA16 Wide excision of extensive tumour of abdominal cavity without defined origin in chapter J two-character group
- JXX Other minor procedure of abdomen and abdominal organs
- JXXA00 Prevention and supportive therapy for nausea and vomiting
- JXXX00 Alimentary tract percutaneous needle biopsy
- JXXX10 Koagulation of bleeding or bloodvessel with lokal diatermy in gastrointestinal endoscopy
- JXXX12 Sclerotherapy of vein in gastrointestinal endoscopy
- JXXX19 Other procedure for hemostasis through gastrointestinal endoscopy
- JXXX20 Dilatation of alimentary tract in endoscopy or with radiological guidance
- JXXX30 Excision of local lesion from any part of gastrointestinal tract in endoscopy
- JXXX32 Endoscopic removal of foreign body from unspecified part of gastrointestinal tract
- JXXX40 Thermal coagulation of body tumor with radiological guidance