- JCSA32 Endoscopic injection in oesophagus
- JCSA35 Endoscopic contact coagulation in oesophagus
- JCSA38 Endoscopic laser therapy in oesophagus
- JCSA42 Other endoscopic procedure using diathermy or heat in oesophagus
- JCSA45 "Endoscopic mucosal or submucosal resection in oesophagus
- JCSA52 Other endoscopic procedure using diathermy or heat in oesophagus
- JCSA55 Endoscopic dilatation of oesophagus
- JCSA60 Transcervical excision of diverticulum of oesophagus
- JCSA96 Other local operation on oesophagus
- JCSA97 Other local thoracoscopic or laparoscopic operation on oesophagus
- JCSA98 Other local endoscopic operation on oesophagus
- JCSB Oesophagostomy
- JCSB00 Oesophagostomy
- JCSB01 Laparoscopic or thoracoscopic oesophagostomy
- JCSC Resection of oesophagus
- JCSC00 Transhiatal partial oesophagectomy without interposition
- JCSC10 Transthoracic partial oesophagectomy without interposition
- JCSC11 Transhiatal thoracoscopic assisted partial oesophagectomy
- JCSC12 Thoracoscopic or laparoscopic partial oesophagectomy
- JCSC20 Transhiatal partial oesophagectomy with interposition of intestine
- JCSC30 Transthoracic partial oesophagectomy with interposition of intestine
- JCSC96 Other partial oesophagectomy
- JCSC97 Other thoracoscopic or laparoscopic oesophagectomy
- JCSD Anastomosis of oesophagus without resection
- JCSD00 Subcutaneous anastomosis of oesophagus without interposition
- JCSD03 Subcutaneous anastomosis of oesophagus with interposition of intestine
- JCSD10 Intrathoracic anastomosis of oesophagus without interposition
- JCSD11 Thoracoscopic or laparoscopic anastomosis of oesophagus without interposition
- JCSD13 Intrathoracic oesophageal anastomosis with interposition of intestine
- JCSD20 Transsection of oesophagus
- JCSD96 Other anastomosis of oesophagus without resection
- JCSD97 Other thoracoscopic or laparoscopic anastomosis of oesophagus without resection
- JCSE Reconstruction of oesophagus
- JCSE00 Suture of oesophagus
- JCSE01 Thoracoscopic or laparoscopic suture of oesophagus
- JCSE10 Plastic repair of stenosis of cardia
- JCSE20 Cardiomyotomy
- JCSE21 Laparoscopic cardiomyotomy
- JCSE30 Repair of oesophageal atresia or congenital tracheo-oesophageal fistula
- JCSE31 Treatment esophageal atresia
- JCSE32 Closure of esophago-tracheal fistel
- JCSE33 Closure of acquired tracheo-oesophageal or broncho-oesophageal fistula
- JCSE40 Reconstruction of oesophagus using flap
- JCSE50 Reconstruction of oesophagus using free microvascular graft of intestine
- JCSE96 Other reconstruction of oesophagus
- JCSE97 Other thoracoscopic or laparoscopic reconstruction of oesophagus
- JCSF Insertion of oesophageal stent
- JCSF00 Insertion of oesophageal stent
- JCSF12 Endoscopic insertion of oesophageal stent
- JCSW Other operations on oesophagus
- JCSW96 Other operation on oesophagus
- JCSW97 Other laparoscopic or thoracoscopic operation on oesophagus
- JCSW98 Other transluminal endoscopic procedure on oesophagus
- JCX Other procedures of oesophagus
- JCXX00 Insertion of ballon tube for tamponade of oesophageal varices
- JD Stomach and duodenal bulb
- JDD Diagnostic radiology of stomach and duodenal bulb
- JDDB1A Gastro-duodenography with X-ray
- JDDB1B Gastrography with duple contrast
- JDDB2B Duodenography
- JDDE02 Peroral endoscopic ultrasonography
- JDDE1E Ultrasound examination of gastro-oesophageal reflux
- JDE Endoscopy of stomach and duodenal bulb
- JDE002 Gastroscopy
- JDE005 Gastroscopy with biopsy
- JDE010 Esophagoscopy, gastroscopy and duodenoscopy
- JDF Other diagnostic procedures of stomach and duodenum
- JDF100 Secretine test
- JDF110 Respiratory helicobactery test
- JDF120 Pentagastrine test
- JDFB20 Collection of duodenal secretion
- JDFC00 Electrogastrography
- JDI Stomach and duodenal bulb isotope examination
- JDIA00 Gastric function isotope examination
- JDIB00 Duodenogastric bile reflux isotope examination
- JDIC00 Meckel isotope imaging
- JDO Radiotherapy of stomach and duodenum
- JDO001 Preoperative radiotherapy of gastric or duodenal tumor
- JDO002 Radical radiotherapy of gastric or duodenal tumor
- JDO003 Adjuvant radiotherapy of gastric or duodenal tumor
- JDO004 Palliative radiotherapy of gastric or duodenal tumor
- JDO029 Radiotherapy of local recidive of gastric or duodenal tumor
- JDO049 Radiotherapy of methastasis in stomach or duodenum
- JDO090 Profylact ic radiotherapy of stomach and duodenum
- JDO099 Other radiotherapy of stomach and duodenum
- JDS Surgery of stomach and duodenum
- JDSA Local operations on stomach
- JDSA00 Gastrotomy
- JDSA05 Endoscopic polypectomy in stomach or pylorus
- JDSA08 Endoscopic removal of foreign body from stomach or pylorus
- JDSA12 Endoscopic insertion of gastric stent
- JDSA22 Endoscopic ligature of varices of stomach
- JDSA32 Endoscopic injection in stomach or pylorus
- JDSA35 Endoscopic contact coagulation in stomach or pylorus
- JDSA38 Endoscopic laser therapy in stomach or pylorus
- JDSA42 Other endoscopic haemostatic procedure in stomach or pylorus
- JDSA45 Endoscopic mucosal or submucosal resection in stomach or pylorus
- JDSA52 Other endoscopic procedure using diathermy or heat in stomach or pylorus
- JDSA55 Endoscopic dilatation of stomach, pylorus or anastomosis of stomach
- JDSA60 Closure of perforated ulcer of stomach